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What to Know About Having Braces As an Adult

What to Know About Having Braces As an Adult

clear braces

More adults are choosing to get braces to improve their smiles and correct their teeth. According to Humana, over 4 million people in the U.S. have braces, and about 25% of them are adults. Before deciding to get braces as an adult, there are some things you should know.

All Your Options

When choosing to get braces, you should know that there are a high number of options, including clear braces, available to you. There are traditional braces with brackets and wires, ceramic braces, Invisalign aligners, and clear braces. All these options can align and correct your teeth. Depending on your correction needs, one may be a better option, so be sure to talk to your dentist.

Cost Changes

The type of braces you choose can make a difference in the cost of your braces. For example, clear braces may cost more than traditional braces. This may have an impact on your decision. Your budget is an essential factor when you are making a selection of the braces you want.

Insurance Coverage

You should check with your insurance carrier to determine how much information they can give you about orthodontic coverage. They can let you know if there are limitations to your coverage, too. It’s important to note that some insurance companies may only provide coverage for braces if they are medically needed. If they are cosmetic only, they may not be covered.

Length of Treatment

It’s important to note that adults often have a longer treatment period when it comes to orthodontic care. This happens because adults are no longer growing, and their bones are dense compared to a child’s. As a result, your teeth may be more difficult to move and treatment may take longer. Additionally, the length of time your treatment takes depends on how much correction you need. A typical treatment period takes some time between 14 to 33 months.

Improved Dental Health

When your teeth are misaligned, it causes more problems than you realize. You may find that after braces, you have fewer difficulties eating, sleeping, and more. What’s more, when your teeth are aligned correctly, it makes it easier to brush and floss while reducing the risk of tooth decay.

These are just a few items you should know when getting braces as an adult. For more information about braces, be sure to speak to an orthodontist at Mint Hill Ortho today!