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Braces, Aligners, and More!

Types of Braces

Mint Hill Ortho

Offering only the best options.

Find the path to a fresh smile that suits you best. Mint Hill Ortho offers every type of traditional braces out there – it’s all about what works best for you! Our braces options include:
  • Metal Braces
  • Clear Braces
Make the most of your initial visit by starting the same day!


Mint Hill Ortho

Get the smile of your dreams without anyone knowing!

Does the thought of rocking a mouth full of metal hold you back from getting that perfect smile? Never fear, Invisalign is here! Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign® does not rely on brackets, wires and other types of industrial strength materials to straighten your sweet smile. Instead, Invisalign® uses a series of clear aligners that fit over your teeth.

Invisible treatment. Visible results.

No wires and brackets. Need we say more? But Invisalign® does offer other benefits for our patients that include:

  • Similar price treatment without the traditional drawbacks
  • Custom fit for comfort
  • Removable for brushing, flossing, eating, and extra special events
  • No food restrictions — just take them out and enjoy that caramel popcorn

Same awesome results.

Zoom Whitening

Mint Hill Orthodontics is proud to offer Phillips In-Office Zoom Whitening treatment.
In just one visit your teeth can whiten up to 8 shades; erasing years of coffee, tea, or wine staining! Technological advances have reduced tooth sensitivity from whitening drastically, allowing for a comfortable path to a brighter smile. This clinical proven safe and effective treatment is the perfect option whether you’re finishing your orthodontic journey or just getting ready for a big day in the spotlight. Ask our friendly staff for more details by calling 980-243-8030. Discounts available for active patients and their family members.

Early Treatment

The early bird gets the worm.

Here at Mint Hill Orthodontics, we treat patients of all ages, but some conditions are best addressed as part of an early treatment program. Braces are often considered a right of teenage passage as much as prom, football games, & getting one’s driver’s license (sweet freedom!) but some orthodontic issues can be resolved much earlier, and can dramatically decrease the overall treatment needed.

Benefits of Early Treatment

  • Improves the positions and paths of permanent teeth
  • More cost effective than waiting until the teenage years
  • Helps develop healthy confidence and self-image
  • Compared to teenagers, children tend to see orthodontics as more fun
  • Reduces the number of social challenges related to crooked teeth and wearing braces
  • Helps children overcome tongue pushing and thumb sucking
Benefits of early orthodontic treatment


Mint Hill Ortho

The easiest part of growing up? Rocking a confident smile.

Being a teen is hard…like really hard. We’re not going to let orthodontic treatment cramp your style.  We have a ton of options to choose from including metal braces (which are smaller and MUCH more comfortable than braces in the olden days – ask your mom about that), clear braces and Invisalign Teen. Check out the details on each of these options below. Dr J will discuss all the treatment options with you during your first consult with us and create your perfect game plan.

Metal Braces

Seriously, ask your mom or dad about when they had braces (WAY WAY long time ago)… maybe leave that part out. But ask them and you’ll quickly see that today’s braces are so much better. They’re smaller, you can change the colors to match your style, and they’re so much more comfortable. It’ll be a little adjustment in the beginning but after a while you won’t even notice they’re there. You’ll become one with your braces, in a non-weird way.

Clear Braces

Not a fan of metal brackets? We got you. Our ceramic, clear braces option may be the perfect choice for you. They use the same awesome technology as our metal braces but you get the added benefit of them being clear. Sneaky sneaky.

Invisalign Teen

Don’t want ANY metal in your mouth? We have a solution for that too, Invisalign Teen. With Inivsalign Teen your friends will have no idea you’re straightening your teeth.  They’re made of a comfortable space-age clear plastic material and best part, they’re removable! So take ‘em out for prom or other super important functions but you better put them RIGHT back in! WE WILL KNOW. No pressure.

Did we thoroughly confuse you with all of the options? Good, it’s time for your free, no-pressure consultation so Dr J can guide to you to your perfect smile.


Mint Hill Ortho - Adult Orthodontics

Perfecting your smile isn’t child’s play.

Braces aren’t just for kids anymore – with the latest orthodontic innovations, it has never been more convenient or easy for busy adults to perfect their smiles! Tooth alignment can be changed at any age if your gums and bone structure are healthy. Mint Hill Orthodontics offers a wide variety of treatments that are designed for different age groups – including adults!

Orthodontic treatment at later stages in life can dramatically improve your personal appearance and self-esteem. Improving the health of your teeth and gums is equally important. Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to gum and bone loss, tooth decay, abnormal wear of the tooth enamel and surfaces, headaches, and jaw joint pain (TMD).

Good news! The new techniques and appliances we use greatly reduce discomfort levels, decrease the frequency of visits, shorten treatment time, and may allow you to choose from several options that best meet your specific needs, such as clear braces or Invisalign aligners that can be worn to correct misaligned teeth and bites.

During the initial examination, Dr J will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your individual needs and can outline the treatment plan, length of treatment, and the approximate cost with you. You’re never too old to get the smile of your dreams!

Digital Imaging

advanced digital x-ray technology

We’ve seen the future!

Our practice is dedicated to providing you with the safest and most convenient treatment options available. We utilize advanced digital x-ray technology in our office. Advances in technology have allowed us to avoid taking those gooey mouth impressions and get even more accurate digital scans of your teeth. Our digital scanner creates a replica of our patients’ teeth in less than 7 minutes. We can diagnose and discuss treatment options chairside immediately with our patients and parents. BOOM.